• adrijana@adrijanastrnad.com
  • +385 1 23 45 67 / +385 1 34 56 78

Liderizing* executives to own their impact ...

...to know themselves, master the art and craft of collaboration, and act systemically, using wisdom and determination to build inspiring businesses and workplaces that thrive.

*Liderizing - awakening the leader within

Leading for transformation: <br />Would you trust yourself to lead you?

Leading for transformation:
Would you trust yourself to lead you?

You are an executive working in a senior corporate role. Leadership is part of your job description. You have positional power, you take it seriously, and use it in the most positive way. You are driven by the vision to build an organisation that inspires people to be at their best.

So, how accountable are you in pursuing that vision?
How do you inspire followership? What does practicing leadership really means for you?

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Excellence in Learning Design<br /><br />

Excellence in Learning Design

You are an organisational development professional, passionate about designing cutting-edge learning experiences. You are committed to create dynamic, inspiring learning environments that invite self-reflection and foster breakthrough growth.

How good are you in igniting learner’s curiosity for more? After your workshops, how practical does their learning feels to them? How inspired, empowered and committed do they feel to test new approaches in their work?

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Pondering leadership, learning and life

Published: June

Just a few messy thoughts about the messiness of being human

A few weeks ago a dear friend (and one of my best thinking partners in the world) called a...

Published: June

What is your craft? Would you call yourself a master?

I love words. Digging for their roots, learning how they came about. Exploring their...

Published: May

The why, when and how of using Points of You® tools

What: Points of you® tools are innovative, inspiring tools for training and development...

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Published: January

The dangers of having a role-model

You are my role-model. I admire who you are, what you do, how you do it. I want to learn...

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Date: 2025-02-12 14:00
In: Tuheljske Toplice, Croatia
Terme Tuhelj
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    Facilitation Groudwork training

    Date: 2025-04-06 22:00
    Rabac, Istria